But I know darlin’ that you do
The idea, the notion, of God is something that’s been in my life from the day I was born. My parents were, and are, believers, and part of the early 70’s Pentecostal movement that sought to have a deeper, more personal relationship with the creator than what the traditional denominational church offered. But from an early age, I never felt part of it. One of my dimmest, yet most enduring memories is from when I was four or five and I had my first existential experience. “Why wasn’t I born a cow?” I wondered. “Why am I a person?” Questioning was and is part of my makeup. As time went on, and we went to church, were read Bible stories before bed, and prayed that God would intervene in just about every adverse situation, belief became something that wasn’t real for me. The Bible, we were taught, was the infallible word of God, but I remember being told the story of Noah’s Ark and the flood that was supposed to purge the world of evil and thinking it didn’t make ...