
Showing posts from July, 2023


  As I've gotten older, I'd say over the last ten years or so, I've become increasingly interested in electronic music. To the point where, today, it makes up at least 80 per cent of what I listen to.  Back in my youth I was a rock kid. I was interested in noise and post punk and some metal (although I was, and remain, very picky about my metal). As an aside, I remember the night when "heavy" music finally clicked for me. I was at Naz' place in Manly Vale (his dad's place). Jord was there too, and both those nefars said to me "you've gotta hear this" and put on Monster Magnet's Spine of God. I finally understood. I’m hoping my mates have the same epiphany with electronic music I had all those years ago with metal   The problem I have these days is too often, rock just sounds dated to me. The same old tropes, the same old riffs. There's good stuff, and I love Om and Sleep, The Melvins and good Aussie garage like RMFC, Satanic Togas and

Generational Angst

  Members of ICON and Trilogy will know my obsession with LCD Soundsystem's All My Friends well. In fact, I am so obsessed with it I've told my kids I want it played at my funeral. But I find it hard to put into words exactly why it speaks to me on such a fundamental level. I think part of it is it reinforces to me how important close friends are .... people, girlfriends, wives, work colleagues, they all come and go. But when you form a deep bond with a handful of punters, they become as close as, if not closer, than family.  And it's important to hold onto those people with everything you have, because they'll always be there for you, even when others fail you or let you down. But All My Friends talks about how people you once counted on drift away, and the nostalgia you have for those halcyon days. I suspect I am a little naive when it comes to some things, but my love for, and trust in, my friends will never diminish. I think another reason I love "All My Friend